I’m Not Dead

I’m just freaking tired. Does a man’s existence diminish when he isn’t online? There’s one of those weird postmodern questions for you to chew on.

The next month will be spent playing Call of Duty 4. There’s some product endorsement for you all.

My Enthusiasm for Bic Is on the Wane

After sending a Bic lighter through the laundry last week and finding that it still operated, I was quite pleased. Today, the same thing happened with Bic a pen, though, and while the pen still works my clothing looks a bit…I don’t know…avant-garde.

Yes, I’m fully aware that the whole thing was my stupid fault, just like the lighter incident, but I am no longer the unabashed Bic fan that I was a week ago.

Seriously, the MPAA is Not That Strict

Online Dating

This rating was based on the use of the words “crap” (7 times,) “kill” (2 times) and “gun” (1 time.) You could find worse on children’s television.

Bic Makes a Damn Fine Product

I just put my cigarette lighter through the laundry (by accident, I assure you) and it still works. Would the same hold true with a Zippo? Consider this to be an endorsement.

Yep, that’s all for now.

Thursday Again

I know I don’t need to remind anyone who is still around, but I’m up at Faster Than the World today. Check out the column. It’s yet another stunningly intellectual video game review, this time with zombies as a bonus.


I know, every day should be FTTW Day and in a sense every day is. And it’s a damn good thing, because that’s all that keeps me writing for fun anymore. Anyway, in today’s column I write about the new love of my life and prostitute myself without the hope of seeing a penny. Enjoy, and check out the other treats while you’re over there.

A Quick Note to Anyone Who Actually Reads This Thing

I’ve decided not to kill allow Among the Barbariansto go softly into the night, largely owing to Spring Break and my status as a free man for the next week or so. I might change the layout, though, so if things start looking weird it’s just because I’m messing about with the place. WordPress’s layouts are uniformly ugly, but I am getting the service for free, so the only thing to do is try and make it somehow less ugly or at less unappealing to my eyes. I have also taken the liberty of removing a few posts that were chapping my ass because I’m the administrator and that gives me executive authority over my narcissistic little virtual reality.

If I can figure out what the hell I really want to prattle on about, I’ll probably create another weblog and link to it. Until then, what you’re reading is my boredom.

Another Thursday

The poll over at Faster Than the World today is “Most Overrated Band.” Vote early and vote often for The Doors and The Eagles (so you can be cool like me) and check out my column if you feel like it. I was decompressing after finals when I wrote it, so I’m flinging out the hate left and right, which is my favorite way to do things. Go and be enlightened (or annoyed, it’s really up to you.)

The Fate of a Neglected Weblog

I have no plans to kill this weblog off like I did with the Typepad account and I really don’t want to delete all the content and start over. WordPress doesn’t even give me access to the spam I used to enjoy. That being said, I am considering starting up another weblog with a more coherent theme. I’m not sure what to write about, though possible subjects include violent video games and literature/theory. Among the Barbarians just isn’t working anymore and the beauty of being a nobody is that I can just pack the thing up and move elsewhere. This is why it’s great being small-time. No delusions of grandeur.

Why Do I Bother?

So, for all intents and purposes this blog is just about dead. I really mean to put stuff up here, honestly, it’s just that I’ve been busy clipping my toenails and doing other totally important things. Anyway, I’m up at Faster Than the World again today, but if you read the article be aware of one thing: I wrote that column two hours after suffering a minor panic attack in the middle of class. True story. So instead of reading my column, I recommend reading this rather weird email exchange of which I was a proud member. Also, be sure to vote here for your favorite comedy movie of the bunch. If you don’t see your favorite, feel free to complain to the management in the comments section.